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Children’s Rights Quiz

In addition to children knowing their own special rights, it is important that every adult also knows what the Convention on the Rights of the Child is and what it entails. In this task, the children act as hosts while adults compete in a quiz about children’s rights.


The teacher explains: In addition to children knowing their own special rights, it is important that every adult also knows what the Convention on the Rights of the Child is and what it entails. In this task, the children act as hosts while adults compete in a quiz about children’s rights.

Task: Print the quiz sheet, or send the file to the students via your chosen learning platform. The correct answers are marked in bold for each question’s answer options on the second page of the pdf.


Children’s Rights Quiz, first page with questions, second page with answers (pdf)

Psst! Besides testing the adults at home, children can also organize the quiz for adults at their school, such as the principal, the cook, the nurse, or others.

Psst psst! Alternatively, the quiz can be conducted by having the children distribute the printed quizzes to the adults without the correct answers.

Psst psst psst. Older children and young people can also take the test themselves and test their knowledge of Children’s Rights.

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